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To conclude to the project with the theme of form and function, my work has progressed over the period of time set out for this project to be completed. My ideas of what I wanted to do and wanted my exhibition to look like has change over time. There have been a variety of different artists that contributed and inspired my work throughout, in particular is Anselm Kiefer, an amazing artist whose work was very interesting crazy at the same time. A lot of other people that helped me and influenced my work were various photographers, with the likes of Paul Chong, Neely Wang and many more amazing photographers whose composition of their images are influential.

All the artists that I have chosen for my use different mediums and equipment, some use a camera to create there work and some use brushes, others use the computer to edit them for the final piece and others have to use different techniques like sculpture. In my studies I wanted to explore more into other artists and photographers, which would be different inspiration to my work and getting a different idea. I decided to do my work on a blog and website because of my presentation it is not the best I thought that if I did it on a blog and website the way in which the images and text can set out and easy to follow throughout

My skills over this project in model making and website/ blog design as developed a lot from what I was able to do before, also my photography composition has developed slightly as well.

My final piece, which is my exhibition in the form of a model, is a very odd shape as there is parts going off to different rooms. The materials used to create my model was foam board and glue gun glue. The reason I used these materials is because they are both strong and sturdy to show what my exhibition will look like. The message that I wanted to covey in my final piece that you have to be different to stand out and my work, has a meaning that the book which is my main part of my exhibition is telling the story of the cycle of a plant from life to death and the life again.

I am quite happy with my final piece e I feel that if I had done it earlier when I knew what my idea was I would be able to make it look better and more element to it.

If I were to do this project again I would choose my idea earlier so that I could get on with the rest of the work and make my model out of a different material. The reason for this is because the material that I used to create it was ok but I think I could of used something stronger that looked more presentable.

I don’t feel that my exhibition portrays what I want it to but my book does portray what I want it to.

The name of my exhibtion is "Macro of Nature"

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