Artist Research: Graham Owen
Graham Owen is photographer from America, but born in Malaysia, his photography skills are superb. He has travel all round the world living in lots of different countries as he grew up. His passion for art and photography has come from his mother and his grandmother, who were both linked with art. His photography varies from close ups of flowers and bugs, capturing birds in flight with them being crisp and clean. The elements of his work that I like is the way that he manages to capture his images at just the right time. Consequently it pays off, with the colours being shown to their full potential.
The only part in my opinion of this photographer’s work, which I dislike, is the background of some of his pictures; a few of them don’t really go well with what is being captured in the foreground. I find this photographer’s composition is truly inspirational, the photographs taken by him are very different to as he pictures focus in on parts of the flower instead of getting the whole flower. The colours of his work are eye catching, because of the colour of the flowers he taking pictures of, as they are bright and beautiful colours.

​I think that a few of the images that has captured are edited using an editing software like Photoshop of something similar, to alter the appearance of what I seen by the viewer. The images that he has photographed have an impact on the viewer, as there is more going on in the images if you were to study it, instead of taking a quick glance at it.
​The form of Graham’s pictures is that they are flowers taken at different angles, and edited slightly like getting rid of the background or change the colour scheme of an image completely, and the function of his photography is that, it can be used for different advertisements which can get the viewer to want to visit the place of where it was captured or view it in a photography exhibition.